Springfield House

Springfield House is a large community based home which provides residential and 'shared care' for up to 4 young adults with learning disabilities and/or autism spectrum conditions from age 18 years up.

The facility provides 4 large single occupancy bedrooms, some with en-suite facilities. The home caters for both males and females. 

The house stands in approximately 3/4 of an acre of grounds and is positioned in a community setting within walking distance of shops, medical centre, library and leisure centre.

"Everyone we spoke with agreed that staff were caring in their approach. People were very complimentary about the kindness of the staff at Springfield House and the positive attitudes displayed by all staff. A relative told us that, "[person's name] has a very good key worker." and stressed how caring they were. They told us that their relative was very settled and happy at the home. Other relatives described staff as, "Very polite; very helpful" and also told us, "They go out of their way for [person's name] and are genuinely concerned for [their] welfare." A family told us how happy their relative was with the service, "[Person's name] is very happy coming home but [is also] very happy going back to the home. It's a great comfort to us."  Care Quality Commission

Fairfield's 15th year anniversary ceremony saw residents presented with individual awards.  The pictures to the left reflect two residents whom were very happy to receive theirs from the Director.

Please Contact Us if you require further information on our Care Services.